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What’s the importance of collagen in our organism?

Collagen is the most important protein in our body and the most abundant. Joints tendons, bones and ligaments are made of collagen. It protects our muscles, vital organs and its parts of blood vessels, cornea, gums and scalp. Together with elastin it’s in charge of giving flexibility, firmness and resistance to the dermis.

Our body every day is repairing cells and collagen helps give shape to tissue by helping maintain them firm, elastic and healthy. When collagen is missing, skin becomes aged, flaccid and weak, it starts hanging and wrinkles appear.

Collagen Loss

It’s natural that as the years go by your body reduces the production of this protein. From the age of 25 the body losses 1% of collagen every year, having lost 25% by 50 and 50% by 75.

However, this process can be accelerated by other factors such as stress, smoking, unhealthy diet, sleep loss or and excess od sun exposure. It’s necessary to take precautions, avoid bad habits and stimulate collagen production.

A balanced diet is fundamental and for that it’s important to know which foods will help us prevent the aging related to collagen loss. First, it’s important to know that collagen its only available in animals and certain fish, since its part or joints and other animal fibers.
It’s advisable to start a diet rich in protein, that will provide us with collagen precursor amino acids such as egg whites, lean meats, skim dairy products and fish.

It is also necessary to include foods rich in vitamin C which contributed to the formation of bones, cartilages and skin. We can find it in kiwis, red or green bell pepper, tomato, oranges or other citrus fruits. Its also available in broccoli, strawberry, honeydew melon, spinach and chard.